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Filename discordconnector-messages.cfg

Random Messages

All of the message options support having multiple messages defined in a semicolon (;) separated list. If you have multiple messages defined for these settings, one gets chosen at random when DiscordConnector decides to send the corresponding message.

If you wanted to have a couple different messages for when a player dies (always chosen at random), you could simply set the config value like this:

Player Death Message = %PLAYER_NAME% has died a beautiful death!;%PLAYER_NAME% went to their end with honor!;%PLAYER_NAME% died.


Every message supports the following variables:

VariableReplaced withNotes
%PUBLICIP%Server's public IP (from a request to is set up once at server launch.
%DAY_NUMBER%Current day number on serverThis will be 0 until the world actually gets loaded.
%WORLD_NAME%World name of the world used on the serverThis isn't available until the serverLoaded event (can't use it in serverStart message)
%NUM_PLAYERS%Number of currently online playersIf used in a playerLeave message, it will be auto decremented
%JOIN_CODE%Server's join code (only if a join code exists, blank otherwise)This won't be available until the serverLoaded eventmessages
%VAR1%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR2%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR3%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR4%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR5%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR6%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR7%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR8%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR9%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.
%VAR10%Value specified in the custom variable configCustom variables can contain other variables, which will be replaced if the type of message supports it.

Some messages support additional variables, which are mentioned specifically on their config page; e.g., messages involving player actions support a position and other player information variables.